Specialty Testing

At Innergy we conduct Specialty and Conventional Diagnostic Screening to help target the underlying cause of patient symptoms. Some of our specialty testing include Comprehensive Blood Testing, Gluten Sensitivity, Food Allergy Panel, Saliva Hormone Panel, SIBO Testing, Stool Testing, Urine Hormone Panel, And more.

● CBC (Complete Blood Count)
● CMP (Complete metabolic Panel)
● Large blood count (hemoglobin, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes, etc.
● Iron metabolism (iron, transferrin, ferritin, etc.)
● Minerals and full blood mineral analysis (magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc.)
● Vitamins (vitamin D, vitamin A, B12, B6, B1, B2, folic acid, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C)
● Liver (GOT, GPT, Gamma-GT, etc.)
● Pancreas (amylase, lipase)
● Stomach (Helicobacter pylori, pepsinogen)
● Kidney (urea, creatinine, etc.)
● Thyroid gland (TSH, fT3, fT4, etc.
● Sugar content (HbA1c, glucose, insulin, etc.)
● Fat metabolism (triglycerides, cholesterol, etc.
● Special metabolism (fatty acids, amino acids, etc.)
● Sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, etc.)
● Other hormones (parathyroid gland, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, etc.)
● Food intolerances (histamine intolerance, gluten intolerance, etc.)
● Allergies (pollen, house dust, mold fungi, etc.)
● Food allergies (eg milk, wheat, soya, nuts, etc.)
● Pseudo-allergic (food colors, food additives
● Environmental toxins, detoxification, heavy metal
● Immune system (lymphocytes, antibodies, etc.)
● Autoimmune diseases and rheumatoid diagnostics
● Oxidative stress (excess of cell-damaging free oxygen radicals)
● Mitochondriopathy (disruption of the energy supply of the body cells)
● Tumor care (tumor markers
● Risk factors (obesity, congestive heart failure, arteriosclerosis, etc.)
● Genetic risk factors (cardiovascular, periodontitis, osteoporosis and thrombosis risk
● Anti-aging profiles (hormones, cardiovascular, metabolism)